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Funding Options for your Green Business

"An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true."

Personal Funding :If you already possess the resources necessary to start your business, this should obviously be your first choice. Through self-funding, you will have no interest rates and no monthly payments. The total you spend on getting your business up and running will be significantly lower.

Friends and FamilyFriends & Family : These same principles apply to any personal acquaintances that are willing to provide you with funding. If you present them with a business model outlining exactly what you plan to do with their money, they will be more inclined to make the investment in your business.

Credit Cards Credit Cards : Some business starters feel that they will get immediate and high returns on their venture. If this is the case for you, then you may choose to use a credit card to get your business going. As long as you are able to make all of your investment back before the interest is compounded, this method of financing is completely free of interest.

Bank Loan  Bank Loan : If you have a good borrowing history, banks will be likely to give you a personal loan. If you choose to take out one of these, you will receive a large lump sum to start with. You will make regular payments, and the interest will most likely be compounded monthly. These are a popular route to take for entrepreneurs, but can land you in big trouble if you aren’t able to make a payment.

Equity Line of Credit Equity Line of Credit : If you own a house or another business, you can use its value to open an equity line of credit. The bank will lend you money with your valuable asset as collateral. This will give you immediate access to a certain amount of money every month. Interest must be paid on these, but only for the money which is utilized

Commercial Loan Commercial Loan : Commercial loans are another very valid option. These work like a personal loan, but the bank will require information about your venture, and what you plan to spend the money on. Commercial loans differ because they are usually larger sums with higher monthly payments.

Micro Loans from Local or Government Agencies Mcro Loans From Government Agencies : Many regions with suffering economies offer micro loans from local government agencies. These are small loans designed to get your business on its feet. Many non-profit organizations work to provide these to entrepreneurs in order to boost the growth of smaller towns.

Government Grants Government Grants : Governments also provide funding for businesses in the form of grants. These are usually designed to provide economic growth, or to encourage research in a certain industry. The options vary greatly from industry to industry, so it is best to do broad research when looking for information on grants

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