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Who can Become a CORE Consultant?
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When did "CORE" start? We developed a business plan over the course of several months in 2007 and then incorporated in November 2007. Over the ensuing months we performed Green Home Makeovers and launched our online training program in May 2008. Our first  co-consultants were in the field in June 2008, and we’ve continued to grow ever since.

What expertise do I need to be an eco-consultant? Since it’s a new field, we don’t expect you to have been an Eco-Consultant before. We train you (via the web) on the topics and on all of our services and products, including the detailed Green Home Makeover Plan (which covers room by room improvements a homeowner can make to live a greener, healthier lifestyle) and the Green Office Makeover. We want to bring on Eco-Consultants who are passionate about living a green lifestyle, yet non-judgmental.

What hours would I work? You set your own schedule and decide when you are willing to accept appointments and schedule Green Home Makeovers and other in-person visits. Some people work 9 am to 3 pm a few days a week, others only want to work on weekends and others only accept early-evening appointments because that fits their lifestyle and that of some clients.

Do you have to be a woman to be a "CORE" ? No. Guys also like the idea of work that improves the environment and provides a valuable service to their neighbors.

Is there a typical "CORE" ? There is no typical "CORE" Our "CORE" Eco-Consultants come from many backgrounds, including stay at home mothers who are looking to conduct one or two appointments a day or several days a week, people with full time jobs that want to do eco-consulting as a second job in the evenings and weekends, and others who are adding eco-consulting to the services they can offer in their existing complementary businesses.

Would I be the only "CORE" Eco-Consultant in my town? Our goal is to help you become the Green expert in your community. We want you to have a large enough area that you can be as busy as you care to be, though we don’t want you driving long distances for appointments. We do not offer exclusive territories. More information is available on this in our Agreement, which you can review when you express interest in becoming a "CORE" 

Do you need a college degree to be an Eco-Consultant? No, but we do require a high school degree. 

Can I do this as a summer job in college or high school? The opportunity does not lend itself to a short term or seasonal job because it takes time to build a client base through word-of-mouth and local marketing. There are start-up fees and investments for training that also aren’t ideal for a short-term effort.

What skills do you need to be a successful Eco-Consultant? You need to have a healthy curiosity to keep learning in an evolving field. You need to be comfortable interacting with a homeowner or business owner and going through your consulting plan and explaining your recommendations. You need to be friendly, organized and have excellent follow-up skills. It certainly helps to be passionate and interested in creating a healthier world, but you definitely won’t be successful if you are a “Preachy Green Person.” You will find yourself in a basement checking the water temperature setting on a hot water heater and screwing in a lot of CFL energy efficient lightbulbs, but no mechanical skills are required.

Can I work from my home? Yes, of course. You do not need an “office” to commute to since you visit with clients in their homes.

Can I be a "CORE" Eco-Consultant if I live outside IndiaAt this time, "CORE" operates only in within India (including Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka). We hope to expand to other countries in the future, so sign up for our email newsletter to stay informed on developments. Investment

What products does "CORE" sell? All our products are not "CORE" labeled products, but "CORE" recommended products. That means that we research and evaluate products in order to hand select what we believe to be the “best in category” products. Consequently, we are always looking for new products to add to our offerings and welcome suggestions from our Eco-Consultants. Click here to view a sampling of our products offered.

What is the benefit of an in-home consultation when there is so much information available about going green on the Internet? The number of people who have adopted green practices and have become educated by doing research and making going green a hobby is very small. Most people have taken few or no steps to “go green” and save energy, and those people are the ones who would like to go green but haven’t made it a priority, haven’t spent hours researching what to do and how to best do it, and don’t have the time or desire to make going green their hobby. Those are the people we are here to educate and assist. Or rather, the subset that can afford to spend $99 for a consultation and hundreds more to make improvements. The Green Home Makeover is a niche service, but tens of millions of homes are in this “niche”.
I would have gladly paid someone to help me swap out my CFLs instead of the endless trips to Home Depot and online research to find that Home Depot actually doesn’t carry the “right” bulbs for my solutions. Every list of top 10 ways to go green has “switch to CFLs”, but it isn’t that easy when you get down to it. It isn’t simply about heading down to the big box retailer - you need a specific type of dimmable CFL for dimmer switches, you need candelabra CFLs for chandeliers, covered CFLs for flood lights, covered globes for vanity lights, 3 way CFLs and my personal favorite - mini-spirals so that your lampshades actually fit after you swap out the old bulb! And I would have switched to CFLs long ago if someone had shown me the staggering savings that I see on my electric bill every month now. I would have gladly paid someone to tell me which low-flow shower head was the best one as opposed to staring at a wall of 30 low flow shower heads and guess which one would still provide a great shower experience (many feel like a shower in a RV). The list goes on and on from nice looking composter for my kitchen that doesn’t stink and doesn’t need worms, how I can cut back on Phantom power, etc.
Instead my husband and I spent hours upon hours of time researching and seeking out solutions, but most of our friends would never do that. So that is where "CORE" fits in. The information on the Internet is for the people who are willing to “do-it-yourself” and are happy to spend hours researching the issues and then more hours finding the good solutions.

The Ask "CORE"   COREbase On the path to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle (or business), you and your clients will inevitably have questions. New green products and solutions hit the market every day. The amount of information about going green is overwhelming and often conflicting. You could spend hours researching each question, but that approach will quickly become all-consuming while you are trying to work on expanding your client base. 

Who can you trust to provide the best, and most up-to-date, information about greening homes and offices? In your role as an Eco-Consultant you are the knowledgeable green friend your customers have been wishing for, but as a Green Irene Eco-Consultant you will be fully supported by "CORE"  HQ staff of green research professionals. Researching all those questions, and getting you and your customers the right solution, is their full-time job. (Some consider it their dream job!)

What is Ask "CORE" ? Soon after starting "CORE" , we quickly realized that many of us are asking the same questions:

  • • What is the best type of HVAC air filter for a family with allergies?
  • • What type of paint should I use in my baby’s nursery?
  • • How can I green my vacation or business travel?
  • • Can I get any tax credits for adding green home improvements?
  • • Can I buy wind power from my current utility?
  • • How can I stop all these unwanted paper catalogs?
  • • What are the toxins in my cosmetics? I am buying a new mattress.


 Should I worry about the toxins in the new memory foam ones? At "CORE" , we have established a green database with answers to many questions such as these. Our researchers add new thoughtful and insightful solutions each day. As a Green Irene Eco-Consultant, you have access to this private, password protected green database and to our team of green researchers as well. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, all you have to do is submit your question and our team will get you a prompt response. If we don’t know the answer, we will invest the time to solve it for you. 

Ask "CORE" doesn’t just answer your questions. We give you links to articles on relevant topics, and provide calculators to figure out the specific savings green steps will bring to homes and offices. "CORE" Guides are expertly written on an evolving array of the most important Green Home and Green Office topics. We have researched the products that will help green every aspect of your client’s life, whether we sell it or not. "CORE" -recommended products are offered for sale in person or through your personal "CORE"  online catalog.

How do I become a Member of Ask "CORE" ? As an Eco-Consultant you receive ongoing access to Ask Green Irene and our team of green researchers. In addition to the answers to green questions included in Ask Green Irene, there is a special private section for Eco-Consultants to help you run your "CORE" business. Ask "CORE" is a “self-service” resource for local marketing ideas, presentations, templates, forms and procedures so that even though it may be midnight, you won’t have to wait until morning to ask us questions.

Can my client become a Member of Ask "CORE" ? A three-month Ask "CORE" Membership is a benefit your client automatically receives when you perform a Green Home Makeover or Green Office Makeover. At the end of their trial period, they have the opportunity to renew their membership through the catalog on your individual"CORE" website.

We know you have green questions. Now, you know we have green answers! No need to spend hours searching Google and wading through green blogs to find (conflicting) answers to your clients’ green questions. Your access to Ask Green Irene makes it easier to move your clients along the path to a sustainable, greener life. "CORE" is with you and your clients for the journey.

copyright @2007 Council for Organisation of Renewable Energy
CRM 24*7 9221632750 : email : care.india@llive.co.uk or coremum@gmail.com